- The Club shall be called Women Running Penarth.
- The Club shall be affiliated to any Associations which may be considered necessary by the Committee.
- The objective of the Club is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for women to run together. To have fun, make contact with other like minded women and encourage the achievement of personal goals.
- The Club will meet Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday for Club training sessions at times and venues determined by the Committee and such other additional dates and times as the Committee shall in its absolute discretion determine and publish.
5.1 All Applications for Membership must be in writing providing details of the proposed applicant’s name address and date of birth and contact phone number.
5.2 The grant of an application for Membership is at the absolute discretion of the Committee.
5.3 Every Member who has joined the Club immediately undertakes to observe the Rules of the Club as issued from time to time by the Committee and published on the Club notice board.
6.1 The Club shall be managed by a Committee of no fewer than 4 and no more than 15 Members comprising the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and at least one other Committee Member.
6.2 A Chair, Secretary and Treasurer must be elected at the annual general meeting in each year and subject to termination of office by resignation removal or otherwise the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer remain in office until the next annual general meeting or a special general meeting following their election.
6.3 The Committee Members must be elected at the annual general meeting in each year and subject to termination of office by resignation removal or otherwise the Members of the Committee remain in office until the next annual general meeting or a special general meeting following their election.
6.4 The Committee may fill any vacancy in the position of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer from the Committee following termination of office by resignation removal or otherwise.
6.5 The Committee may fill any vacancy in the position of Committee Member from the Membership following termination of office by resignation removal or otherwise.
6.6 Committee Members shall be entitled to be re-imbursed from Club funds reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred by Committee Member’s in the proper and reasonable execution of their duties and responsibilities as Committee Members.
6.7 The Committee shall have such powers and authority to act and take decisions as are necessary for the running of the Club.
7.1 There shall be a subscription or annual Membership fee.
7.2 There shall not be a session fee payable to the leader.
7.3 The subscription or annual Membership fee will be set at the annual general meeting each year.
7.4 The subscription or annual Membership fee is non refundable save that the Committee may at its absolute discretion refund all or part of a Member’s joining fee or annual Membership fee upon application or request by a Member in writing setting out the reasons therefore.
8.1. An Annual General Meeting of the Club must be held in every year not later than the end of September or as soon as possible thereafter. and must:
8.1.1 receive and if approved adopt a statement of the Clubs accounts to the end of the preceding year.
8.1.2 consider and if approved sanction the Club Rules.
8.1.3 appoint the Club Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and Committee Members.
8.1.4 determine the Club subscription or Membership and session fees for the following year.
8.1.5 deal with any resolutions which have been proposed and signed by no less than 5 Club Members and served upon the Club Chair, Secretary and Treasurer or any Committee Member in writing not less than 14 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting.
8.2.1 give notice of convening the Annual General Meeting to the members via the club website not less than 21 days before the Annual General Meeting setting out the time date and place of the meeting and the resolutions that the Committee propose to put to the Annual General Meeting for voting on.
The notice of the Annual General Meeting shall invite Members to put forward new or amendment resolutions in writing to be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting to be served upon the Club Chair, Secretary and Treasurer or any Committee Member in writing not less than 14 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting.
Such resolutions shall be placed on the Club website for consideration of the Club Membership in advance of the Annual General Meeting at least 7 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
At the Annual General Meeting the proposer of any resolution served shall be entitled to address the Annual General Meeting in respect of the resolution proposed and any other Club Members including the Club Chair, Secretary and Treasurer or any Committee Members shall be entitled to speak also to the Annual General Meeting.
The Chair, of the Annual General Meeting may at their absolute discretion accept proposals for amendments to the resolutions proposed and if the proposal for the amendment is accepted the amended proposal shall be voted upon along with as an alternative to the original resolution proposed.
All votes upon resolutions that do not alter the constitution of the Club shall be carried upon a majority vote of those who vote upon the resolution at the Annual General Meeting. Any Member who is entitled to attend and vote at an Annual General Meeting is entitled to appoint in writing prior to the meeting another person to vote on their behalf by proxy on any resolution at the meeting such written authority to be provided on request to the Chair of the meeting where requested.
9.1 A Special General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Committee and must be convened within 28 days from receipt of a requisition in writing signed by not less than 10 Members specifying the resolution that they wish the Membership to vote upon at the Special General Meeting.
9.2 A Special General Meeting may be convened:
9.2.1 To consider and if approved sanction any duly made alteration of the Club rules;
9.2.2 To deal with any resolution which the Committee wishes to place before the Members;
9.2.3 To remove any Member or Members of the Committee from office and to fill any vacancy or vacancies caused by removal or
9.2.4 To deal with any resolution which the Members wish to place before the Members.
9.3 Notice convening a special general meeting must announced on the Club website not less than 21 days before the Special General Meeting setting out the time date and place of the meeting and the resolution(s) that the Committee or Members calling the meeting propose to put to the Special General Meeting for voting on.
9.3 The notice of the Special General Meeting shall invite Members to put forward new or amendment resolutions in writing to be voted upon at the Special General Meeting to be served upon the Club Chair, Secretary and Treasurer or any Committee Member in writing not less than 14 days in advance of the Special General Meeting.
9.4 Such resolutions shall be placed on the Club website for consideration of the Club Membership in advance of the Special General Meeting at least 7 days before the date of the Special General Meeting.
9.5 At the Special General Meeting the proposer of any resolution served under para 9.1 or 9.3 above shall be entitled to address the Special General Meeting in respect of the resolution proposed and any other Club Members including the Club Chairperson Secretary and Treasurer or any Committee Members shall be entitled to speak also to the Special General Meeting.
9.6 The Chair of the Annual General Meeting may at their absolute discretion accept proposals for amendments to the resolutions proposed and if the proposal for the amendment is accepted the amended proposal shall be voted upon along with as an alternative to the original resolution proposed.
9.7 All votes upon resolutions that do not alter the constitution of the Club shall be carried upon a majority vote of those who vote upon the resolution at the Special General Meeting.
9.8 Any Member who is entitled to attend and vote at a Special General Meeting is entitled to appoint in writing prior to the meeting another person to vote on their behalf by proxy on any resolution at the meeting such written authority to be provided on request to the Chair of the meeting where requested.
- At Committee meetings and at Annual and Special General Meetings the Chair shall preside (or where it is not possible or appropriate for the Chair to preside then a chairperson must be elected from those present to preside) and he or she may have a casting vote or additional vote in the event of an equality of votes.
11.1 the following numbers are required to form a quorum:
11.1.1 At Committee meetings (except for the purposes of rule 12.6) four.
11.1.2 At Committee meeting for the purposes of rule 12.6 half of the total Members of the Committee entitled to vote at the meeting.
11.1.3 At Annual or Special General Meetings ten.