Women Running Penarth: Equal Opportunities Statement
Women Running Penarth (“WRP”) believes in fairness and is thus committed to a policy of providing equal opportunities to all members. WRP requires all members to abide and adhere to the Equality Act 2010.
The following actions are considered to be discriminatory and are prohibited:
- Treating any individual on grounds of age, disability, gender re-assignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity*, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation less favourably than others.
- Expecting an individual, solely on the grounds stated above, to comply with requirement(s) for any reason whatsoever related to their membership, which are different from the requirements for others.
- Imposing on an individual requirements which are in effect more onerous on that individual than they are on others. For example, this would include applying a condition which makes it more difficult for members of a particular race to comply than others not of that race.
- Victimisation of an individual.
- Harassment of an individual, by virtue of discrimination.
- Any other act or omission of an act, which has as its effect the disadvantaging of a member, purely on the above grounds. Thus, in all the Club’s recruitment, selection, promotion and training processes, as well as disciplinary matters, it is essential that merit, experience, skills and temperament are considered as objectively as possible.
WRP will make every effort to remove any barriers to participation by any member and offer assistance to ensure access for all.
WRP commits itself to the immediate investigation of any claims of discrimination on the above grounds and where such is found to be the case, a requirement that the practice cease forthwith, restitution of damage or loss (if necessary) and to the investigation of any member accused of discrimination. Any member of Women Running Penarth found guilty of discrimination will be instructed to desist forthwith. Since discrimination in its many forms is against WRP’s policy, any members offending will be dealt with under Club Constitution Rules 12.3 – 12.11.
* No person will be prevented from joining the club if they are pregnant. However, they may be prevented from participating in some activities organised by the club if the activity is considered to pose a health and safety risk to the mother or unborn child.